LIFE Wellness Healthy Eating: The Easiest Way to Prevent Diabetes

Healthy Eating: The Easiest Way to Prevent Diabetes

  • Eating prepackaged, processed foods negatively impacts your ability to prevent and manage potential health problems like type 2 diabetes
  • Follow the tips below to help make healthy foods more affordable

To help prevent type 2 diabetes, it’s important to make healthy food choices. Unfortunately, healthier foods are often more expensive than unhealthy ones.

When prepackaged, processed foods are attractively priced, it’s tempting to choose them over more nutritious options. This has long-term consequences, however. It impacts your ability to prevent or manage potential health problems, like type 2 diabetes.

So how can we make sure healthier foods hit the table?

Know When and What to Buy

Take advantage of sales or weekly specials and look for healthy products that last more than one meal. A large package of frozen vegetables can go a long way. Basics like herbs and spices also last a long time, and can be used in place of salt to flavor meals.

Create a Food Budget

Take note of your weekly spending at the grocery store, as well as what you spend when you eat out. Multiply that by four to come up with a total for your monthly food budget. Then assess where you can make changes to meet your financial needs while including healthier foods in your diet. When you shop, stay within your budget.

Plan a Menu

Eating at home is less expensive than eating out. To make it more convenient, write out your meals for the week. This way, you can plan to have the necessary ingredients on hand. Plan for recipes that create leftovers, so you’re not cooking every night. At mealtime, try to stick with the recommended serving sizes. You don’t have to eat at home for every meal, just be aware that eating out will impact your budget.

REMEMBER: For one-on-one support and encouragement, onsite associates and spouses can schedule a health coaching appointment with our LIFE Wellness Clinic team, who will help you set realistic goals and create a personalize action plan to determine your specific motivators for change. Remote associates can set up a virtual health coaching appointment through Marathon Health Portal. 

*The content above was developed by HR Editor Terri Dougherty for the July issue of ‘Employee Health & Wellness Training Advisor: LivingRight’ and the LIFE Wellness Clinic Team.

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